Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Art Tuesday: The Work of Time

In 1930, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that technological progress would free us from long hours of labour. We would be working 15-hour weeks and, our material needs satisfied, we’d spend the rest of our life as we please.

The Work of Time, an exhibition curated by Ils Huygens for Z33 House for Contemporary Art, Design & Architecture, dissects the relationships between time, knowledge and learning. The artists selected for the show invite us to shift our attention to other dimensions of time such as inner time, biological time, dream time or the deep geological time of the earth.

In a world that values speed, efficiency and productivity, is there any room left for slow human processes such as doubt, dialogue, democracy or even imagination? And what happens when important issues such as climate breakdown and radioactive waste force us to think on a radically different scale?

Read more on We Make Money Not Art

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