Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation – To empower and inspire…

Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation – To empower and inspire…. Grant would have been 50 years last week, this is a foundation that will celebrate his legacy and provide STEM resources –

The Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Grant’s mother, Carolyn Imahara, and several of his lifelong friends.

Guided by the core principles embodied by Grant throughout his life – curiosity, integrity and generosity, the Foundation’s mission is to inspire emerging talent and empower underserved youth in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math education.

The Foundation will carry on Grant’s legacy of giving back to communities in need through mentorships, grants, and scholarships.

We envision a world where every student has equal access to STEAM education, regardless of their socio-economic status, race, color, or gender.


Read more, and consider donating (we did).

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