Monday, October 26, 2020

Two Dozen Exoplanets that Might be More Habitable than Earth

via Air and Space

Could there really be a planet more habitable than our own? We think so. Earth’s amount of biomass and biodiversity has changed during the eons, and so has its degree of habitability. During the Permian time period more than 250 million years ago, for example, huge deserts existed on our planet that made it less habitable. A hundred million years earlier, during the Carboniferous period, extensive rain forests and swamps covered our planet (most of the coal and oil we use today was deposited then), and Earth would have been more hospitable to life than it is now. We identified various properties that would increase a planet’s habitability, such as being older and having slightly more mass, being slightly warmer and wetter, and having lots of shallow water and archipelagos.

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