Monday, October 26, 2020

What is Modulation in Music Production? #MusicMonday

Square, sawtooth, triangle, ramp, and pulse are all terms for waveforms, which are what gets modulated when we talk about modulation in music production. If you’ve ever listened to a synth jam, or watched an electronic musician turn knobs, what they’re doing is modulating the wave form. Here’s more from Icon Collective:

Modulation effects change the property of sound over time. Waveform properties include frequency, amplitude, timbre, wavelength, time, phase, and velocity. The modulation of these characteristics produces a sense of movement, dimension, and depth.

Modulation alone is not an effect. It’s a process audio effects and musical instruments use to manipulate sounds. Modulation requires a source signal called a modulator to control another signal called a carrier.

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