Tuesday, February 16, 2021

An Avant-Garde Game About a Town Watched Over by a Giant Policeman #ArtTuesday

There’s a great episode of ReplyAll, Episode #105, that goes into the story behind the creation of the almost-forgotten flash game Bunni: How We First Met. Among other things, the story tells the tale of how a creator had a very specific idea of what they wanted to communicate with their game, and how during the design process the game ended up communicating a very different message. It’s a nice episode, because it presupposes what is obvious: video games are as much a platform for art as any other medium. And now here’s a game about a town watched over by a giant policeman. Here’s more from Rock, Paper, Shotgun:

The police are a fairly easy threat to bypass in most immersive sims: just wait for them to walk a few steps. But what if a policeman is hundreds of metres tall and towers over the entire town? That’s the setup for Militsioner, a fascinating-looking upcoming game about trying to flee a town where everyone thinks you’re guilty of a crime and a vast policeman is keeping an eye on you. Check out the new gameplay trailer, which demonstrates how we’ll be able to speak into our microphone to interact with townsfolks and the colossal copper.

See and learn more!

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