Friday, February 12, 2021

Spectacular 3D Printed, Open Source Raspberry PI 7 Segments Analog Clock @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

The analog segmented clock is a lost artifact if there ever was one. It’s as if we went from an hour hand/minute hand to a digital watch to a smart watch all in one fluid, exclusionary motion. But there was a brief time when the click-flip-click of an analog segment clock.

Over on the Element 14 forum, user feiticeir0 has made a truly excellent 3D printed, open source, Raspberry Pi powered 7 segment analog clock. Here’s more from Element 14:

For some time now I have this project and now it’s time to share it with the world so others can create their one. This is a 3D-Printable Servo clock – or a 3D 7 segment clock. The original project is from Otvinta. It is there you need to download all the 3D files and see instructions on how to assemble the clock. The original project, like it is on the site, uses Windows 10 IOT on a Raspberry PI and servo drivers (Maestro) from Pololu. They are good, but expensive and I’m not a fan of Windows.

So, I decided to take it on and use Open Source software and a more cheap servo driver.

See and learn more!

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