Friday, February 12, 2021

UPDATED GUIDE: Running TensorFlow Lite Object Recognition on the Raspberry Pi 4 @Raspberry_Pi @TensorFlow #MachineLearning #BrainCraft @circuitpython #circuitpython #AdafruitLearningSystem @Adafruit @MakerMelissa

The Running TensorFlow Lite Object Recognition on the Raspberry Pi 4 guide has been updated to streamline the initial setup by using a recent script for that purpose. It has also been updated to make the flow of the guide easier to follow.

Want to up your robotics game and give it the ability to detect objects? Maybe implement a security camera that can see and identify certain items? Now that the Raspberry Pi is fast enough to do machine learning, adding these features is fairly straightforward.

This guide will show you the steps to get TensorFlow 2 and TensorFlow Lite running on your Raspberry Pi 4 along with an object detection demo.

There are two main setup paths to choose from. The first option is with a PiTFT if you want to have a larger display. The second option is with the BrainCraft HAT, which has a built-in display and audio along several other components such as DotStar LEDs, a Joystick, and ports.

See this updated guide page now!

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