Friday, May 13, 2022

Apple CarPlay on Your Tesla, First Buy a Raspberry Pi and Learn to Code #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


Apple and Tesla are two brands that don’t often play nice with others. To get CarPlay on your Tesla Michał Gapiński has a solution. Seems like a lot of modern problems could be solved with a Raspberry Pi and some code. From Jalopnik:

Tesla doesn’t support Apple CarPlay nor Android Auto in its vehicles, and it’s basically the only major automaker that still doesn’t at this point. For any other company the omission of such an otherwise ubiquitous feature would be inexcusable, but Tesla manages to get away with it. One clever owner has devised a workaround that enables phone projection on the manufacturer’s vehicles, and it’s about as far away from “plug-and-play” as you could imagine.

It’s the work of a Polish developer named Michał Gapiński, whose handiwork is available to download off GitHub.

Read more! and check out Tesla Android Project

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