Sunday, May 22, 2022

Using A 3D Printer To Make A Sandwich

Y K shared on YouTube:

Make sandwiches with a 3D printer

This video shows one of the prototype applications of our research called Functgraph.

Functgraph is a 3D printer that can physically assist the user by assembling the 3D printer’s objects without human intervention, and then running the completed “functional objects”.

For example, in this video, we have prototyped a sandwich application. When cooking, there are many ways to look at recipes, such as on a smartphone, but in the end, a human being has to cook. How much easier would it be if you could just say, “OK Google, I want a sandwich for breakfast tomorrow,” and have it ready when you wake up in the morning? A machine will make the food, so it can be cooked accurately. All you have to do is prepare the ingredients and the freshly prepared food will be ready automatically instead of frozen or instant food.

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