Friday, May 20, 2022

Reducing the Power of the Raspberry Pi SBC @Raspberry_Pi #Pi #RaspberryPi #PiDay

Handy project by Usha Ganesh and Tam Hanna and posted by Robert Perkel up on

One the biggest challenges in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) is power. Some IoT devices are kept near power outlets, while others must run off a battery or other non-rechargeable energy source. Devices that run on a battery must be carefully designed and implemented to reduce power consumption as much as possible. While small microcontrollers (MCUs) can consume very little power, developing applications on them is more challenging than on a Single Board Computer (SBC), such as a Raspberry Pi® or a similar Unix-based SBC. SBCs are an easy platform to develop on with support for a wide array of programming languages and libraries, but as a tradeoff, they consume a lot more power than a small MCU, even when shut down.

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