Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Animated ASCII Christmas Tree and Hanukkah Menorah in your Linux Shell @LundukeJournal

The Lunduke Journal of Technology writes:

I’m a big fan of ASCII and ANSI style art — dating back to the BBS days of the 1980s and 90s. So it’s no surprise that I enjoy sprucing up my Linux terminal with ASCII animations from time to time.

Well, it just so happens that this week is Hanukkah. And, when I went looking for Hanukkah themed ASCII animations for Linux (or other platforms)… I came up completely empty handed.

So, I did what any red-blooded nerd would do: I whipped up my own Bash script and put it up on GitHub.

I looked around, and found an adorable animated Christmas tree BASH script that had colored lights flickering. And, since it was released into the Public Domain, I went ahead and added that animation to my script as an option (with credit to the original author, of course). Because… why not?

Read more here.

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