Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Gothic Futurism in the Art of Rammellzee #ArtTuesday

There are many kinds of futures, even if, at times, it feels as if there might be no future at all. The artist Rammellzee has built a whole universe of space ships and star scapes from skateboards, salvaged plastics, and scrap materials. Imagine if a graffiti artists was hired to as the production designer on a live action version of Force Five, but was given no budget. It’s gothic futurism. Here’s more from COLOSSAL:

Awash in blue light, the vehicles hover above the galleries filled with assemblages in a similar vein, from small otherworldly troopers to life-sized characters elaborately outfitted with headdresses of fur and spray-painted crowns.

The immersive, post-apocalyptic collection unveils the idiosyncratic workings of the late artist Rammellzee, whose fantastic creations rose to cult status in the 1980s alongside Jean-Michel Basquiat…and Keith Haring…. Rammellzee started tagging along the route of New York City’s A train and continually espoused the subversive powers of graffiti and writing as his career ventured into fine art, music, performance, and philosophy. “The letter is armed to stop all the phony formations, lies, and tricknowlegies placed upon its structure,” the artist once wrote. “You think war is always shooting and beating everybody, but no, we had the letters fight for us.”

See and learn more!

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