Friday, December 2, 2022

HID Remapper allows you to remap inputs from mice, keyboards and other devices #USB #PiDay @jfedorynski @Raspberry_Pi

HID Remapper is a configurable USB dongle that allows you to remap inputs from mice, keyboards and other devices. It works completely in hardware and requires no software running on the computer during normal use.

It can do things like reassign buttons, change keyboard layouts, map mouse buttons to keyboard inputs, map keystrokes to mouse inputs, change mouse sensitivity (permanently or when a button is held), rotate mouse axes by arbitrary (non-90 degree) angles, drag-lock for mouse buttons, scroll by moving the mouse, and much more.

It is configurable through a web browser using WebHID (Chrome or Chrome-based browser required).

Wireless receivers are supported and multiple devices can be connected at the same time using a USB hub.

In addition to the remapping functionality, it can do polling rate overclocking up to 1000 Hz.

A separate serial version of the remapper takes inputs from a serial (RS-232) mouse and translates them to USB.

There’s also a Bluetooth version that runs on nRF52840-based boards, which translates Bluetooth inputs to USB.

See GitHub for more.

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