Wednesday, March 1, 2017

3 Fashions That Will Make You Tech Fabulous #WearableWednesday #wearabletech #fashion @Elektrocouture

ElektroCouture Syma Line

ElektroCouture, a Berlin based bespoke fashion tech company, just released its Lookbook teasing its latest couture created with a variety of designers and technologists in their lab. The best way to describe the fashion is the perfect bonsai—attention to line, space between material and the surprising element of texture. I’m picking three of my fave looks that really allow the fashion to come first with tech in the background. The first is the coordinating fashion of the Syma Line by Layla Mueller. It uses fine EL wire to explore sound figures, or modes of vibration, made famous by physicist Ernst Chladni.

The Singe Coat, a collaboration including Laura Hughes & Bianca Cheng CostaNzo with Plastic Logic, explores a new flexible E Ink, allowing for the edgy flames on the pocket. In the past, these ePaper displays included glass and required quite a few wires for connection to a controller. The lighter display allows focus for the graphic animation, which blends beautifully with the rough cut framing of the material. There appears to be embroidery at the pocket and collar which gives the coat another symbol for “singe”. Apparently the inspiration was the old saying “burning a hole in your pocket.” Burning never looked so good.

ElektroCouture Kids Are Alright

From a distance this be-jeweled fashion appears to be from the ’80s, but closer inspection reveals carefully placed linear crystals and metal elements. The elements hide pin-point LEDs which sparkle and bounce, much like pro spotlights controlled with barn doors. Glitzy? Yes, but the asymmetry keeps it respectful and classy enough for any art happening on the horizon. It’s called The Kids Are Alright and designer Kanika Goyal gives credit to youth.

Inspired by youth, their behavioral patterns, subcultures, gadgets and slang, the collection transforms the idea of the digital epiphany into delicate details. The symbolic contrast between reality and virtuality is portrayed through the use of crystal and metal embellishment that decorates the coat.

These fashions are just a taste of what Lisa Lang’s company has been urging in the world of wearable tech. Please be sure to check out the rest of the fashion, including sustainable bio-couture. This is an exciting time for designers in Berlin and it is apparent that the collaboration and sharing of technology is paying off. More like that please! Many of these designs are using very specific technology, but if you want to start simple, check out our learning guide for the EL Wire Tron Hoodie. It’s a fun project that will introduce you to the basics of stitching glowing wire. Start with a sweat jacket and then move onto data inspired couture. Be sure to send us a video of what you make!

Flora breadboard is Every Wednesday is Wearable Wednesday here at Adafruit! We’re bringing you the blinkiest, most fashionable, innovative, and useful wearables from around the web and in our own original projects featuring our wearable Arduino-compatible platform, FLORA. Be sure to post up your wearables projects in the forums or send us a link and you might be featured here on Wearable Wednesday!

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