Friday, March 3, 2017

Automatically Replenish Kitchen items with a DRS Enabled Smart Pantry @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #Raspberrypi

Cover iOyInRxWBd

Cool project-in-progress from Md. Khairul Alam up on

Most of the times, when I want to cook something I find some cooking ingredient (onion, garlic, chili etc.) is running low. In some cases I buy wrong item such as garlic instead of onion. When I reach at my kitchen I observe that, I have a plenty of onion but no garlic. How will you feel in such a situation?

To get rid from such situation I built a Smart Pantry which can order automatically to replenish every ingredients of my pantry with Amazon DRS. Busy life, easy solution!!!

Here, I will show you how I made such hi-tech pantry and I hope you will able to reproduce it as your requirement.

Read more.

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