Friday, March 24, 2017

Binary IP Address Display #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


From Colin O’Dell on

I recently built a really cool project using a Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless board and a Pimoroni Unicorn pHAT LED matrix. (It displays the status of my running unit tests in real time – check it out here). This project is designed to be “headless” – it’s not connected to any display.

This poses a problem – although I’ve configured the WiFi, I’m using DHCP and therefore don’t know what IP the Pi will be using when it boots! Without this information, I can’t SSH into the device or connect to my project remotely. I therefore needed a way to have the Pi inform me of its IP address on boot.

My solution: display the IP address on the Unicorn pHAT LED matrix in binary! Not only is this practical, but it also boosts my geek cred 😉

In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to replicate this solution for your own projects.

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