Thursday, March 23, 2017

.@BrewDog’s Recipes Available in ‘DIY DOG V2.0’ PDF | #CraftBeer

Regarded by some as a publicity stunt – I’m not complaining! – the ‘DIY DOG V2.0‘ PDF was released this time last year, in anticipation of BrewDog’s then-2016 seasonal brews. At that launch it was 215 recipes, and it’s now up to 234, including a number of keg only recipes. Essentially these are open-source recipes – they include not only the ingredients used but their flavor accents, food pairings, and brewer’s tip for every beer. Incredible!

Here’s a sample page from the ‘DIY DOG’ document:

Again this is just one of 230+ recipes! You can see most line items are specified in both metric and imperial values, which should help any homebrew makers quickly expedite the ingredients list to their setup, or adjust to their tastes.

Now you can drink our beer before we do.
This is anti-corporate beer writ large; a new way of doing business. For generations,
companies have fiercely protected their ‘secret’ recipes – clinging to a classified ideal,
yellowing documents nervously hidden away by the founders, keys to the safe around
their necks. Is it co-incidental that these same companies are the plodding remnants
of another age; desperately clinging to their foundations?
DIY Dog is an open-book exercise, passing on what we have learned over the years
and documenting the milestones along the way. Now with this version 2.0 it also
features those milestones we have yet to reach, and exists solely so that you have a
chance to get there first…
Enjoy. Keep on rocking in the free world.
James, Martin and the team x

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