Friday, April 28, 2017

Science Museum of London Museum Egg Prototype #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

via Science Museum Group Digital Lab

We made a prototype of something we’ve called Museum Egg.

We built it during the Science Museum London Digital Lab Hackathon. The Hackathon was a brilliant 2 day event where the Science Museum and it’s data became our creative playground.

The idea is that the Museum Egg is carried around the museum by a visitor. It tracks the things they look at and spend time in front of. At the end of the visit, when it’s returned and docked, a personal postcard is printed of that visitor’s favourite items.

The egg contains a Raspberry Pi Zero, Micro SD card and a Bluetooth adapter so that the Pi can scan for Bluetooth beacons. The Pi runs on a 2000mAh rechargeable battery along with an Adafruit PowerBoost 500 module to handle the battery charging and connection to the Pi. A green LED was included so we would know the device was working correctly.

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