Friday, April 28, 2017

These Students Studied Weather and Clothing Color with Chromatic Climate #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


Great project from Marcelo Muro, Doriana and Diego Martinez on

The purpose of this project was to see whether there was any correlation between weather and the color of clothing people chose to wear. We were curious as to what extent the weather affected people’s clothing choices. Some individuals may plan out their day accordingly, others may not care at all. We wanted to know roughly how much there was a change of color then.

We deployed our project in the window of our Computer Science teacher’s classroom; an area with enough foot traffic to gather lots of data. Our project required a camera and needed to be displayed publicly, so we decided to design our enclosure in a way that would be visually appealing to people. Since we were trying to find a correlation between clothing color and weather, the face of the enclosure was fashioned in a way that made it look like a friendly cloud.

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