Wednesday, April 26, 2017

See a Life-Size Rogue One K-2SO Puppet Come to Life

As soon as I saw K-2SO in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, I couldn’t wait to see someone tackle a costume of the character. Given his spindly build, it’s not a costume that can easily be worn and look like it has the right proportions, so Darren Moser made a puppet version — he operates the droid from behind. He’s a member of The Replica Prop Forum (RPF) and figured out how to make the seven foot tall droid. It involves a complex frame that has many articulated points.

After you view the above video, take in the entire build thread at The RPF — and I recommend doing so because it’s impressive to watch how it comes together. And keep in mind it’s not 100% finished just yet.

An early sketch to remind you that many projects start small:

via Fashionably Geek

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