Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Dutch Invertuals Exhibit Shows the Process Behind the Design #ArtTuesday

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This cool exhibit looks at the items that influenced the final product. Via Dezeen:

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Dutch Invertuals has invited 45 of the designers it has worked with over the past nine years to exhibit more than 800 objects from their archives for a show at Dutch Design Week.

Displayed as part of Fundamentals – a show co-curated by collective Dutch Invertuals and design studio Raw Color – the objects, which normally remain hidden in the archives of the designers’ studios, are intended to shed light on the designers’ working processes as well as their views on form, material, and beauty.

“Since we are collectors ourselves we are fascinated by objects or just the process of collecting,” co-curator Christoph Brach of Raw Color told Dezeen.

“The more you gather, the more it helps you to define your surrounding, how you filter, what you like or dislike. A single piece could eventually spark an idea or be a source of inspiration to start a new project.”

In addition to the displayed objects, each designer was asked to create a container inspired by the objects from their archive.

“The designers take their personal collections and identities as a starting point to create a container that manifests their ‘Fundamentals’,” explained Wendy Plomp, founder, curator and art director of Dutch Invertuals.

“These individually made products offer comprehensive insights into their various design practices, reflecting diverse personal visions.”

See more!

Screenshot 4 2 14 11 48 AMEvery Tuesday is Art Tuesday here at Adafruit! Today we celebrate artists and makers from around the world who are designing innovative and creative works using technology, science, electronics and more. You can start your own career as an artist today with Adafruit’s conductive paints, art-related electronics kits, LEDs, wearables, 3D printers and more! Make your most imaginative designs come to life with our helpful tutorials from the Adafruit Learning System. And don’t forget to check in every Art Tuesday for more artistic inspiration here on the Adafruit Blog!

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