Friday, October 27, 2017

Python + MPC + Music Player Daemon = Flotilla-controlled Pi Radio! #RaspberryPi

Blogmywiki has a brilliant walkthrough for creating a streaming Pi radio project using his Kickstarter-version of the Flotilla starter kit. The matrix display is a nice touch and the slider + knob + touch controller is a great use of those parts for radio control!

As you may know, I love making different internet radios with Raspberry Pis! This week I’ve been rediscovering the Pimoroni Flotilla modular physical computing devices which I backed on Kickstarter a few years ago, and as my first Python project with Flotilla it made sense to… make a radio with lovely controls.

Here’s what I used:

  • A Raspberry Pi 3 with updated Jesse Raspbian installed and an internet connection
  • A TV as a display and audio output (you can use powered speakers or headphones just as easily for the audio output).
  • A Pimoroni Flotilla Dock, Touch buttons, Slider, 8×8 Matrix display and rotary Dial – though you could do a bare bones version with just the Touch buttons.

Read more.

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