Friday, October 27, 2017

Get Lost with a Jurassic Park Dennis Nedry Costume

The karma visited upon Dennis Nedry in Jurassic Park was pretty brutal. He got lost while executing an embryo robbery at the park, and Redditor Osborne85 captured the character’s look in that scene with this costume. He first debuted his Nedry ensemble two years ago, and I like it because it combines making and building with throwing some everyday clothing items together. You can print a name badge and easily pull Nedry’s clothes from your closet or a thrift store. Then, go the extra mile and make the east dock sign. Osborne85 explained how he made his:

The sign is simply MDF and a length of wood.
I screwed the MDF to a wall, connected a projector to a laptop over the MDF and traced out the sign. Used a Jigsaw to cut it out, hand sanded it smooth. Then painted it. The sign actually spins as well, I simply screwed it on with some Washers. It’s wobbles back and forth a bit, but passable.
The words “East Dock” are simply a bit of photoshop and printed off.

Read more at Reddit.

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