Thursday, October 26, 2017

From the Forums: Animations Mapped on Six SK6812 LED Concentric Rings

Thanks to Forums user Disciple for not only sharing this project and video but also the code to easily recreate it yourself – read more on the forums!

An online supplier sold me a disc of SK6812 LEDs on concentric rings for my dad. He wants to create a window display, so I have some Halloween ideas.

The rings are 6, from a single pixel to 32, in increasing sizes. They’re joined by breakaway bridges, but I’m keeping them united. They’re easily wired to count from the center outward, and an Uno or Pro Trinket drives them readily. I created a mapping that allows the Adafruit_NeoMatrix library to perform Adafruit_GFX functions in a recognizable manner. If anyone is working with a similar disc, I’m sharing my sketch.

  • The radar screen sweeps out a color wheel rainbow
  • The jack-o-lantern light has a random-walk glimmer
  • The eye of “Sour-one” twitches left and right in a random-walk direction
  • The skull’s jaw chatters
  • Not pictured is a marquee crawl message, “Happy Halloween!”
  • Interestingly, it’s moderately readable.

It’s free to anyone who is interested. Be safe.

Read more on the forums.

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