Wednesday, November 29, 2017

115 Years and Counting: Watch the Webcam Watching the World’s Longest Burning Bulb

Here’s a picture of the webcam looking at the light bulb:

And here’s what the webcam sees during daytime hours (updated about once a minute):

Initially a 60W bulb, the bulb now shines at a mere 4W, but has been burning for 115 years! Manufactured in the early 1900s in Shelby, Ohio, the Guinness-famous ‘Centennial Light Bulb’ is now installed at Fire Station No. 6 in Livermore, CA. They even occasionally throw parties in honor of the light bulb, like when it surpassed 1,000,000 hours of operation in 2015. And yes, this was the bulb featured during a small segment in an episode of Mythbusters:

Read more here.

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