Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Live Stream Whale and Dolphin Sounds from Under the Sea


Ever wanted to eavesdrop on a humpback whale?

Scientists from Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute have, and are using deep-sea live streaming audio to do just that.

Launched Wednesday, you can listen in on the sounds of the deep through MBARI’s continuous YouTube stream that carries live sound from 3,000 feet beneath the surface, 18 miles west off Monterey Bay, California.

The sounds are being recorded by a hydrophone (an underwater microphone) researchers placed on the seafloor in 2015. The data is carried back to shore through the Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS) undersea cabled observatory, which provides oceanographic instruments with round-the-clock power and data connection.

Here’s the live stream, delayed by about 20 minutes to allow for processing.

See and hear more!

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