Friday, August 28, 2020

Automatic Disco for You and Your Furry Friends @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Here’s a project that uses image recognition, and the glory of disco to test out some of what AI can do. If a person walks into the room, “Stayin’ Alive” begins to play. But if a dog walks into the room, “Who Let The Dogs Out” plays. Here’s more on the project from mark via

The camera captures the scene and the data is sent to the inference engine (in this case Openvino). The data is then transmitted to the node-red instance running on the Vizi-AI (greater detail of this process shown below). This processes the labels generated by the inference engine and if a person is detected it send a MQTT message to the broker (topic, control payload “Disco”).

The Relay python application running on the raspberry pi is subscribed to the control topic. When it receives a message on the control topic, it examines the payload, if the payload consists of “Disco”, it starts the Disco lights and plays “staying alive”. after 30s of music and lights, the light switch off and the music stops, until either person or dog is detected.

See project!

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