Monday, August 24, 2020

How to Make a DIY Vocal Booth on a Budget #MusicMonday

Everyone has a podcast nowadays. If you’ve got one going, or if you’re making a rhythm and blues album, or if you want to turn your secret novel into a secret audiobook, then you might need to put together a home vocal recording studio. Here’s some ideas from Icon Collective:

Start by choosing the closet or small space. You can use a bedroom closet, hall closet, linen closet, or pantry for this space. Ensure the area is big enough to fit one person and the recording equipment comfortably.

A medium-sized recording space works best. A closet too large or small can create problems that affect the quality of your recordings. For example, confined closets create issues from standing waves, early reflections, and low-frequency buildup. They don’t always provide the ideal recording space.

Learn more!

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