Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Luca Missoni’s 20 Year-Long Photographic Study of the Moon #ArtTuesday


The moon is synonymous with change. It waxes, wanes, disappears, and returns every month. Sometimes it seems enormous, rising up from the horizon. Sometimes it seems a small as a silver dollar. Sometimes it’s grey and sometimes it’s blood red. Photographer Luca Missoni has worked for 20 years to capture the changing face of our closest celestial partner. Here’s more from JUXTAPOZ:

“Photographing the Moon became like a scientific quest,” Missoni says. “In order to see how it changes in terms of the light on the surface, I was always trying to replicate it at the same size and tonality.” To do so, Missoni always photographs the Moon from the same location and with the same instrument. The color obtained while printing his negatives constitutes one of two main variables in his project—the other being, of course, the shadow line as it marks the phases.

See more!

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