Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Beads as Cells in the Art of Jasmine Virginia #ArtTuesday

In the art of Jasmine Virginia, beads become cells. Here’s more from the artist at Art the Science:

The science came first. I spent 10 years working at SickKids hospital in the Department of Pediatric Laboratory Medicine. I was fascinated by electron microscopy and the images of various cells and materials that some of the scientists would share with me. It sent me down a rabbit hole into research of the unseen world in which cells are living beings beneath the surface of our existence and are essential to life. I was hooked once I was awakened to the fact that at the core of our being and at the core of the world around us are cellular structures that build on top of one another to create life and the matter around us. As the art opened up in my life, I found that cells kept finding their way into my work as one of my all time favourite subjects to create.

See and learn more!

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