Friday, August 28, 2020

Putting a Raspberry Pi inside an Apple iSight camera #PiDay #RaspberryPi #Apple @maxbraun @Raspberry_Pi

Max Braun discusses putting a Raspberry Pi inside an Apple iSight:

Allow me to take you back to the year 2003. The iPod is still a thing. It’s playing “Hey Ya!” by OutKast. You can get an iBook in white plastic. Life is good. Apple is also selling a webcam. They call it the iSight, and it’s a beautiful piece of design and engineering. It even comes with a travel case and multiple different stands. You can find pictures of it in all its glory on Andrew Kim’s blog.

Apple hasn’t sold another iSight since 2006 and the downside of 17-year-old consumer electronics is that they are 17 years old. 640×480 is not a camera resolution anymore, it’s an app icon. Remember Firewire? I don’t.

The Raspberry Pi Zero fits the iSight’s dimensions almost perfectly and, incredibly, it costs only $5.

See Max’s article on Medium and on Twitter on how this was done.

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