Friday, September 17, 2021

Vice Takes a Look at Self-Hosting #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Raise your hand if you’re a self-hoster! Vice talks self-hosting, privacy, flexibility, general enjoyment, curiosity, outage avoidance and more in this article:

Once you’re wrapped up in it, it’s hard to deny the allure of the DIY self-hosted internet. My own self-hosting experiences include having a home server for recording TV and storing media for myself and my roommates, and more recently, leaving Dropbox for a self-hosted, free and open source alternative called Syncthing. While I’ve been happy with Dropbox for many years, I was paying for more than I needed and ran into issues with syncing speed. With a new Raspberry Pi as a central server, I had more control over what synced to different devices, no worries about any storage caps, and of course, faster transfer speeds. All of this is running on my home network: nothing has to be stored on cloud servers run by someone else in who-knows-where.

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