Friday, October 22, 2021

A Sunrise Lamp of Astounding Blinkiness Run by a Raspberry Pi #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


It’s getting dark far too early in a lot of places in this hemisphere. Here’s a project that may help wake up for these short winter days — via eStuffz

The basic idea is simple.  Recreate a sunset with light and sound during those short winter days when the real deal is hours away.  I guess this could be even more useful to people who have to get up really early.

About half an hour before the wake up time the lamp will start to go through it’s color cycle, starting from deep orange and ending up at a warm, bright white.  All the while generating a soundscape that also increases in intensity.  Birds, waves, wind, depending on the current theme.  I’m still experimenting with the optimal duration of this fade, currently around 40 minutes.

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