Friday, October 29, 2021

Engaging Black students in computing at UK schools — interview with Joe Arday @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

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Wonderful interview with educator Joe Arday from the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

What barriers or support did you encounter in your teaching career? Did you have role models when you went into teaching?

Not really — I had to seek them out. In my environment, there are very few Black teachers, and I was often the only Black Computer Science teacher. A parent once said to me, “I hope you’re not planning to leave, because my son needs a role model in Computer Science.” And I understood exactly what she meant by that, but I’m not even a role model, I’m just someone who’s contributing to society the best way I can. I just want to pave the way for the next generation, including my children.

Read more.

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