Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Self-taught artist looks forward to first show in Toronto

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Most of the paintings of Syrian born artist BĂ®styek, are portraits of refugees he’s met, Via The Star

It’s been a long, difficult and unlikely journey for the Syrian-born artist, 25, whose work has been compared to the late American Jean-Michel Basquiat’s neoexpressionist art. The next critical step in that journey is coming up: his first show in Toronto, opening Oct. 12 at Narwhal Contemporary Art Gallery at 2104 Dundas St. W.

It’s also a journey that’s drawn the attention of Toronto filmmaker Geordie Sabbagh, who shares a Middle Eastern heritage, and who recently received a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts to make a film about Bistyek’s life and work.

“I found (Bistyek’s) story interesting and I love the work. It has a very Basquiat feel to it. I think his voice is evolving with his work,” said Sabbagh, who has a degree in art history and is of Lebanese descent.

Check out the artists website!

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