Radiohead is always there when you need them. Their iconic album The Bends has an equally iconic cover. The image was made through a surprising combination of analog tools. Here’s more from JUXTAPOZ:
[Said artist Stanley Donwood] “We hired a video camera, a large boxy thing that had to be put on a shoulder. It took VHS cassettes, and we went out and filmed things that we thought would be somehow interesting; road signs, symbols on discarded cardboard packaging, street lights. We played these video cassettes on a machine hooked up to a TV and took photos of the screen. Then we took the films to photograph developing shops and waited to see if any of the photos were any good. If they were we could scan them. We got into a hospital with the camera and were filming all kinds of things. I’m not sure if it was really allowed or not. Probably not. I wanted to find an iron lung because of one of the song titles on the album but iron lungs are not very interesting to look at. In the room where the staff practice resuscitation were some mannequins, and one of them in particular had a facial expression like that of an android discovering for the first time the sensations of ecstasy and agony, simultaneously. And that was the cover of the record.”

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