Friday, July 15, 2022

Observing Freshwater Fish with Raspberry Pi #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

We’re always on the lookout for content featuring drones and plant or animal research so of course we were thrilled to see how Jessica Reemeyer is using Raspberry Pi Zero Ws and Pi cameras for a marine conversation research project! The folks over at Raspberry Pi wrote all about it:

Jessica’s setup comprises a Raspberry Pi Zero W with our High Quality Camera, as well as sensors for dissolved oxygen and temperature. It records fish presence and environmental variables in different habitats. Jessica has tested the equipment in locations across a small channel near Lake Huron, which is nestled between Toronto in Canada and Detroit in the US. The ultimate goal of her research is to create habitat occupancy models in the area. These would tell us the population limit for threatened species of fish.

Read more from Raspberry Pi and see more from @JessicaReemeyer on Twitter

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