Friday, July 8, 2022

The BornHack 2022 Game On Badge #CircuitPython #PiDay #RP2040 @Raspberry_Pi

The BornHack 2022 Game On Badge puts the focus on games. With the shape of a small controller and a color LCD screen in the middle, it’s ready for a bunch of interesting homebrew games.

This badge uses the RP2040 dual core Cortex M0+ microcontroller from Raspberry Pi and has 16MB of Quad SPI flash for code and media files.

The badge will have CircuitPython preloaded for a very low barrier of entry, all you need is a USB-C cable, and your favorite text editor and you are on your way to your own games.

In addition to screen and navigation buttons, there are are also a standard SAO v1.96bis connector and a Qwiic/Stemma QT connector for interfacing with modules in those eco-systems over I2C.

See more in the GitHub repo and on Hackaday.

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