Tuesday, August 16, 2022

An Artist Used Computer Graphics To Reimagine These 8 Iconic Paintings #ArtTuesday

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Have you ever dreamed of getting lost in one of the streets that Van Gogh painted or sinking into one of Edward Hoppers scenes? Yulia Pidlubnyak reimagines classic iconic paintings in the 3D world. Via Design you trust

According to Yulia Pidlubnyak: “Hello, my name is Yulia Pidlubnyak, I’m from ymage works. Inspired by iconic paintings, I re-ymagined them in 3D world, focusing on architectural forms, textures, and light. I left people out from these paintings to show what lies further, which is at first unnoticed to our eye.”

“Out of these paintings I reimagined, my personal favorite is Chop Suey by Edward Hopper. I think that one turned out well capturing the light and the mood. Also, the composition of the image without the people works well.

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