Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Raspberry Pi Pico W + CircuitPython – BLINK :)

This firmware UF2 for the Raspberry Pi Pico W LOOKS simple enough… on boot it blinks the onboard LED 3 times and then boots into CircuitPython 8. but, looks can be deceiving! the LED on the Pico W is not connected to a GPIO on the RP2040… it’s connected to a GPIO on the WiFi/BLE module! that blinking means that we’re able to load firmware and communicate with the module in the CircuitPython firmware, an important first step before we implement the rest of the wireless stack. soon, we’ll have CircuitPython and the hundreds of libraries and IoT examples ready to run on the Pico W, we can’t wait to show you more as we get ready for folks to test it out 🙂video.

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