Monday, August 15, 2022

Flexible PCB Sculptures

Flexible pcb sculpture 003

There is an inherent art to even the most mundane PCB. It’s no wonder, then, that folks are pushing the beauty of the craft to the limits. Using Flexibe PCBs Addie of Tymkrs created this corsage as a badge for Defcon. Learn more from Make where the asked a few questions about the work:

Where did you get the idea:

This idea actually has been percolating ever since I realized flexi-pcbs were a thing available to the diy-er, maybe around 2018-2019 or so? The first thing I thought when I realized they were an option from OSHPark/Elecrow was exactly this, a flower :). I had a grand idea of creating my favorite flower, a peony, and went about getting quotes for 100 petals. The cost brought me back down to earth and I got 10 instead! As many other diy-ers understand, other projects ended up taking up my time (#badgelife) and so it sat on the backburner. However, this year’s Defcon theme was Homecoming and immediately I thought I could finally bring my idea of a flexi-pcb flower as a corsage to fruition! The flower consists of 13 petals each containing 2 leds and 2 resistors, and 4 pads for the wires.

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