Friday, January 20, 2023

Control your mouse by playing the trombone – HackSpace Magazine Issue 63 @HackSpaceMag @Raspberry_Pi

HackSpace Magazine Issue 63 – Make Flight shows how you can control your mouse by playing the trombone. Using CircuitPython running in a Raspberry Pi Pico, the author was able to get 100 distance readings per second from a BMP280 temperature and pressure sensor and a VL53L4CD Time of Flight (TOF) sensor used to sense the trombone position and pressure.

Trombone Champ is an excellent music game ( You toot your way through tunes old and new, trying to get a perfect pitch from your trusty trombone. It is one of those rare games where playing badly is at least as amusing as playing well.

The game is controlled using the mouse. But what if you want some real trombone action? In this article, we are going to build a Raspberry Pi Pico powered trombone controller programmed with CircuitPython that uses a laser rangefinder and an air pressure sensor to get an authentic trombone slide action from a couple of pieces of drainpipe.

Check out the project in HackSpace Magazine Issue 63 pp. 70-75.

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