Wednesday, January 11, 2023

New Guide: Add Light to your Costume with Adafruit nOOds

Here’s the latest tutorial from Erin St Blaine: add noodles of glowing light to your costume using Adafruit nOOds. From the guide:

Adafruit nOOds are little noodles of light. They’re as simple to use as a regular LED – connect one end to power and one end to ground, and they light up and glow. They’re incredibly bendy and flexible, making them just perfect for small subtle costume details. A nOOd will last for hours on a single coin cell battery, with no big noisy EL-wire inverter to manage.

We’ll also get a little crazy and hook 3 nOOds up to a QT Py microcontroller, so they can be dimmed or sequenced using CircuitPython code.

Check out the full build tutorial here:


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