Sunday, January 8, 2023

Welcoming 1927 to the Public Domain

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Come early January, I’m full on itching to wet-dog shake the piles of last year’s top ten lists from my oversaturated brain. I don’t want to know what was great from last year that I missed! Last year is so over! You know what’s in? And free in the public domain? Boatloads of gems made in 1927. Personally, I will be swan diving into the periodicals section.

Get all the details and a bit of curation from the wonderful Internet Archive Blogs.

Big events of 1927 include the first transatlantic phone call from New York to London, the formation of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the first successful long distance demonstration of television, the release of the first popular “talkie,” The Jazz Singer, and the first nonstop transatlantic solo airplane flight, from New York to Paris, by Charles Lindbergh.

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