Friday, August 9, 2024

A listing of all the announced Raspberry Pi RP2350-powered boards @Raspberry_Pi

The Raspberry Pi Rp2350 microcontroller rollout August 8th was a huge success. Starting at DEF CON 23 with their badge and spreading across the time zones.

Raspberry Pi has a list on their website of 32 boards powered by the RP2350 at launch. This includes many in the maker space including Adafruit, Pimoroni, Wiznet, Cytron, Invector Labs, Solder Party, Seeed Studio and SparkFun.

If you are looking for a board in the Arduino Uno form factor, Adafruit has announced the Adafruit Metro RP2350 using the new, larger variant of the 2350. With the extra GPIO, the board features a microSD card slot and space for both Flash and PSRAM chips, a Stemma QT I2C port and an HSTX display connector.

Check out Raspberry Pi’s product list here.


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