Saturday, August 10, 2024

You’re just a stick figure to this camera #PrivacyLens

Youre just a stick figure to this camera Stick Figure 683x1024

There are are more cameras connected to the internet than one might realize (like your roomba). This poses massive securitiy risks for personal privacy. Researchers at University of Michigan came up with PrivacyLens to turn everyone into stick figures!

PrivacyLens uses both a standard video camera and a heat-sensing camera to spot people in images from their body temperature. The person’s likeness is then completely replaced by a generic stick figure, whose movements mirror those of the person it stands in for. The accurately animated stick figure allows a device relying on the camera to continue to function without revealing the identity of the person in view of the camera.

Raw photos are never stored anywhere on the device or in the cloud, completely eliminating access to unprocessed images. With this level of privacy protection, the engineering team is hoping to make patients more comfortable with using cameras to monitor chronic health conditions and fitness at home.

See more! and the full details from PrivacyLens: On-Device PII Removal from RGB Images using Thermally-Enhanced Sensing

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