Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Using a desktop AMD GPU on a Raspberry Pi 5 with PCIe

Pineboards has posted that they have SupertTuxKart running on a Raspberry Pi 5 in 4k without any issues using an external PCIe connection.

Last year, Jeff Geerling was working similar issues which had some rough edges with Pineboard’s older OG PCIe devkit. It looks like it’s getting easier now.

Pineboards are using their Hat uPCIty Lite which supports PCIe Gen 3.

We simply applied some slight driver fixes that were made by Coreforge on GitHub and rebased them onto a slightly newer kernel.

There is not much else other than tinkering a little bit, PCIe support on the Pi 5 has improved significantly, Jeff did his testing in November and more things just work right now.

With a properly written tutorial anyone can get this running in an hour now, it’s impressive how things have changed in the last few months. We might end up documenting the entire process on our blog/documentation in the upcoming weeks. No time for that today sadly, we’re off to Maker Faire Hannover and this will be on display – with some controllers for multiplayer

See the thread here.

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