Friday, August 30, 2024

A New Wave of Underwater Comms Is Coming #piday #raspberrypi

A black and green box with different colored wires and silver dots and a gold knob jpg

Researchers out of the University of Padova in Italy have developed an underwater Modem built on around a Raspberry Pi. SubSeaPulse SRL wants to deliver the SuM (Subsea Modem); the first lowcost alternative to traditional acoustic modems.

More via Spectrum IEEE:

Most underwater communication is thus sent with sound waves. Acoustic signals, while slower than radio or optical signals, can travel much farther underwater. But the specialized hardware and software for acoustic underwater communication are expensive. Modems alone often cost more than US $10,000.

In addition to the cost, current modems might not fit the specific needs of potential users. SubSeaPulse’s modem, by contrast, is software-defined, so users can modify the signal modulation for their particular application. The device can also be used as an analog front-end (rather than a complete modem) to test acoustic signals, and users can install their own software. Campagnaro likens the modem’s flexibility to how ham radio operators experiment with their equipment.

Read more!

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