Saturday, August 24, 2024

Touch-Reactive Illuminated Betta Fish

This illumiated Betta Fish was built for a Seattle Equinox celebration, Luminata 2022.

The scales are 3D printed with built-in capacitive touch for sound and light reactivity. The floaty fish uses CircuitPython, an Adafruit 12-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout – MPR121, a Raspberry Pi and more.

From Anima:

BettaFish is an interactive sculpture featuring touch sensitive scales that change the LED light patterns and ambient music. Creating the Betta Fish took around two months of concentrated work.

Inside the fish is a Raspberry Pi + a custom PCB with an ESP32. Zhigalka designed the PCB for a previous LED light projects. The RPi runs circuitpython (shout out to Adafruit!) and uses an mpr121 for the touch sensors on the music scales

See the full guide!

Thanks for sharing!

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