Monday, April 17, 2017

Fate/Extella Glowing Karna Spear Build

I can’t say I’m familiar with Fate/Extella, but I don’t need to know the ins and outs of the video game to appreciate this prop build by CorSec Props. They made a replica of Karna’s spear, and it’s a whopper considering the spear is seven feet long. They started the project with 3D modeling in Fusion 360 and printed the center of the spear in natural PLA because it’s ideal for diffusing light from LEDs.

When it came time for the build, they landed on making the spear with wings made from Sintra and a lightsaber blade. They talked about experimenting with the lighting:

The lightsaber blade transfers light into the spike very well. There is a small problem with a seam in the middle. It’s actually 4 pieces but only one shows in the transparent part. We coated the inside that needed to glow in XTC as well. It glows nice and even and looks great but you can see the seam. If I have to do something similar again then I’ll be experimenting with printing the part without top or bottom layers where they meet. This should allow for a more seamless connection. The problem is there is more plastic in those areas as the printer lays down 2 solid layers each to seal the part.

Get more information about the making of the prop at Corsec Props.

This video shows off the various pieces of the spear:

via Reddit

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